Friday, November 20, 2009

Secret 4 - Question #1

Please complete by Tuesday, November 24th.

1. “You can control two things, your effort and your attitude.” Respond to this statement as it relates to teaching, your colleagues, and how you work to keep your attitude positive.


  1. It is so easy to focus on the frustrations and burdens of teaching. The reality is we have a great group of teachers, paras and staff that work in this building to create a positive, caring environment for students.

  2. I think this is what we try to communicate to our students everyday. It helps that we are leading by example. It's a choice - perhaps the biggest choice we make each day. It is also each individual's responsibility to make that choice. Nobody but you can make you have a good attitude. In the same way it is not the fault of anyone else if you have a bad attitude.

  3. In this age of educational financial crisis, two things that you can control in a positive way are your effort and attitude. It is so much easier to be positive towards the students, other teachers, and staff you work with all day than to waste time being negative. The more effort a teacher puts into planning, the better the result will be and the teacher will be more satisfied with the result.

  4. I think we go into the profession of education for different reasons. I believe one of the biggest reasons is because we have pride in what we do. Having pride involves effort and a positive attitude. Our attitude towards any situation is sometimes the biggest determining factor. I am a strong believe in work ethic, it says a lot about a person.

  5. You get out what you put in. I believe that as a teacher we have high expectations for our students and we should demonstrate that same high expectation for ourself. As far as attitude goes we are the only one that can control our attitude, yes we may have a bad hour one day but are we going to let that affect the rest of the day and our ability to communicate effectively and positively with the other students that we are responsible for.

  6. Effort seems natural in the teaching profession. We teachers understand that effort helps create success. We are hard workers. Attitude is contagious! Isn't it wonderful to be around positive attitudes? Our students feel the same way. They seem to have a sixth sense about our attitude during the school day. We control our attitude. We can be that teacher that colleagues and students want to be around by modeling great attitude and enthusiasm.

  7. If a teacher puts forth the effort to create a positive learning environment, then hopefully the students will pick up on this and be successful and responsible in their learning. As a staff, we work hard at creating this positive environment. Positive attitudes as the book says, "spills over onto our students."

  8. YOGOWYPI- You Only Get Out What You Put In!
    This is a statement that I try to live by but also try to instill in the students that I work with. A positive attitude usually reflects a positive person. If you smile, try to stay positive it will usually become contagious to those around you, students, collegues, and yourself.

  9. We can only control ourselves, that is true, but if we portray effort and a positive attitude that can catch on to others. I really enjoy working here and I think we have a great group of people who put in a lot of effort and try to be positive. That helps me to be positive and strive to be a better teacher when I see what they are doing.

  10. Understanding what we can control and what we cannot control is critical. Asking myself, “Is this within my control,” is useful in scenarios that may seem overwhelming. Often I’ll find that things are within my control, and a change of my attitude can help the situation.

  11. I believe that effort and attitude are inseparable. If I feel that I have put in a positive effort into a lesson or activity, my attitude is more positive. The quality and quantity of effort that I exert will effect my attitude and my students' attitudes. I feel that our staff puts a lot of effort into their teaching and are proud of our CCCMS accomplishments. EFFORT + ATTITUDE = SUCCESS.

  12. Our staff does a tremendous job of putting in a lot of effort or else we would not have the great success that we see year after year on our state assessments. I agree with Mrs. Roth - effort and attitude are inseparable. You need to love what you do and never stop learning. Students are able to sense if you don't care or are not prepared.

  13. Each of us is faced with tasks we really don't enjoy. Whether it is making an unpleasant phone call, dealing with a difficult peer, or many of the necessary tasks of everyday teaching, we all have to deal with them. Choosing how we approach these tasks can make an incredible difference in how much we enjoy our day(s). If you decide to do the least amount of work possible to simply complete a task, or to just get through the day or week, it doesn't really contribute to any type of positive growth as an individual or a team. If you jump into these tasks with the attitude of "I have to do this, so I might as well make the most of it, and do it well...," things may seem to go much smoother. You might even find that your days are more enjoyable, and much more rewarding. "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference," and "nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." Two great quotes (insert authors here if you know them) you can read in my room every day. And finally, as Blackie was fond of saying "Keep Smiling" things could always be worse.

  14. I have found that I try not to fret about the things that I can't control. I can control the amount of effort that I expend on creating a positive atmosphere in my classroom. This is a high priority to me, so daily I strive to have my class be a place where a positive, "I can do it" attitude is present. This begins and ends with my attitude. I want students to look at learning as a natural part of growing up, not a "chore" that they have to complete before the real fun of life begins.

  15. The statement to always remember is: "It's not about me." If one thinks about that before they are confronted with a negative, then it's easier to manage. We are all humans, however, so it is easy to get caught up in negativity, but sometimes one is thought to be negative when they are really thinking about what all could go wrong and how to eliminate the problems that may happen when trying something new.
