Friday, December 18, 2009

Final Evaluation

Please rate the book, “Seven Simple Secrets” on a scale of 1 – 10, with 10 being the best. Why did you give the book this rating? Explain.

Secret 7 Part 6

“Every student comes to school motivated to do something.” What are you thoughts on the previous comment? What percentage of your job, in your opinion, is motivating students? Teaching content? Explain.

Secret 7 Part 2

How do you make every student in your classroom feel valued? Explain.

Secret 6 Part 7

Think of your most challenging student, academically or behaviorally, and think of all of the good things about that student? How well do you know that student, his/her interests, motivations, etc.? Do you show them the same professional attitude and attention that you show the best and brightest? Explain your philosophy in this area.

Secret 6 Part 5

“How to Give Students What They Want and Need” What are thoughts on the List on page 104? Are there areas on that list which you feel need to be refined in your own professional practice?

Secret 6 Part 4

What are some hints or suggestions you would have for a new teacher in regards to maintaining professional growth, and a professional attitude throughout your career? We are all better at what we do today than we were when we first started, but how can you continue that growth for 20, 25, 32 years?

Secret 6 Part 3

“You cannot change attitudes, but you can change behavior.” What are your thoughts on the previous quote? Compare the quote to the scenarios on Pages 100-101.